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James Hewitt
James Hewitt is a performance scientist, and Chief Commercial & Innovation Officer at OPTIVIO.

6 Ways Exercise Can Improve Cognitive Function
Many of us know that exercise is an effective way to improve cognitive function, but the next obvious...
Posted in Training & Technique, Exercise

5 Steps To Improve Your Focus
Do you dream of being able to focus and complete a single task before moving on to the next, rather that...
Posted in Performance, Training & Technique

How To Make Improving Cognitive Performance A Walk In The Park
We are spending more time indoors than any generation before us. Some research suggests that we spend almost...
Posted in Performance, Data and Analytics

Switch Off Work To Improve Health & Cognitive Performance
In an ideal world, we would be able to switch on our brains and focus whenever we need to, then switch off...
Posted in Training & Technique, Stress Management

Which Stress Reduction Technique Is The Most Effective?
Many people feel swamped by multi-tasking, competing demands and time-pressure, compromising productivity and...
Posted in Training & Technique, Stress Management
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Why Resilience Matters in Management Consulting
Building a workforce of resilient employees is a hot topic today. The unprecedented nature of the COVID-19...
Posted in Performance

What Can Be Done About Physician Burnout?
At the beginning of the pandemic, physicians and healthcare workers were lauded as heroes. Now, nearly two...
Posted in Stress Management

5 Ways to Reduce Work-Related Stress in 2022
The American Psychological Association’s recent Stress in America Survey found that work was cited as the...
Posted in Stress Management